
You haven’t updated consistently in ages–what’s up? This blog was always more of a chronicle of traveling-i.e. a chronicle of how I spent my time abroad. Now that I’m back in the States, I’ve transitioned to using my other blog, pimpernels. I’ll still be here occasionally, but if you start to wonder why you haven’t seen me around–well, just poke around over there; I’ll show up eventually.


I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.

-flannery o’connor

in a nutshell? I’m a recent college grad splitting her time between work, writing, and trips to the library or the theatre. I’m not so sure what I want to do When I Grow Up, but for now I’m pretty content puttering around this corner of the internet and rearranging my bookshelves. I’m a Christian, which shapes how I think about things & will, because of that, pop up a bit.

I love what little I know about photography — I took each of the pictures on this blog, for example. The header images are some of my favorites. Most are from around Philadelphia, but a few are from traveling adventures: time spent in North Carolina, Seattle, Ireland. Sometimes, I collect the fortunes from fortune cookies. It’s an old habit. I tend to stumble across them with a surprising frequency.

what’s with the title? Thinking outrageously, I write in cursive is the beginning of a song by Sufjan Stevens called “The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us!”

The song itself was my roommate Cristina’s favorite Sufjan song, and I found the lyric to fit well with my mentality about the world in general (toddle on over to more love letters if you’re curious about the whole cursive/love letters thing).

is truth really stranger than fiction? I certainly think so, but take a good, hard look at your own life & we can compare notes!

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